International Conference on Learning Representations 2013

Important information

Videos of oral presentations are available on the Conference Program page.

(FURTHER EXTENSION) Journal versions of conference oral papers for submission to the JMLR special topic are now due on June 29th

Paper decisions are now available at the Openreview website


It is well understood that the performance of machine learning methods is heavily dependent on the choice of data representation (or features) on which they are applied. The rapidly developing field of representation learning is concerned with questions surrounding how we can best learn meaningful and useful representations of data.  We take a broad view of the field, and include in it topics such as deep learning and feature learning, metric learning, kernel learning, compositional models,  non-linear structured prediction, and issues regarding non-convex optimization.

Despite the importance of representation learning to machine learning and to application areas such as vision, speech, audio and NLP,  there is currently no common venue for researchers who share a common interest in this topic. The goal of ICLR is to help fill this void. 

ICLR 2013 will be a 3-day event from May 2nd to May 4th 2013, co-located with AISTATS2013 in Scottsdale, Arizona. The conference will adopt a novel publication process, which is explained in further detail here: Publication Model.


Yoshua Bengio & Yann Lecun, 
General Chairs


The organizers are extremely grateful for the financial support offered by the following companies: