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Workshop: Backdoor Attacks and Defenses in Machine Learning

Salient Conditional Diffusion for Backdoors

Brandon May · Joseph Tatro · Piyush Kumar · Nathan Shnidman


We propose a novel algorithm, Salient Conditional Diffusion (Sancdifi), a state-of-the-art defense against backdoor attacks. Sancdifi uses a diffusion model (DDPM) to degrade an image with noise and then recover it. Critically, we compute saliency map-based masks to condition our diffusion, allowing for stronger diffusion on the most salient pixels by the DDPM. As a result, Sancdifi is highly effective at diffusing out triggers in data poisoned by backdoor attacks. At the same time, it reliably recovers salient features when applied to clean data. Sancdifi is a black-box defense, requiring no access to the trojan network parameters.

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