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In-Person Poster presentation / top 25% paper

Optimal Transport for Offline Imitation Learning

Yicheng Luo · Zhengyao Jiang · samuel cohen · Edward Grefenstette · Marc Deisenroth

MH1-2-3-4 #148

Keywords: [ offline reinforcement learning ] [ imitation learning ] [ optimal transport ] [ Reinforcement Learning ]


With the advent of large datasets, offline reinforcement learning is a promising framework for learning good decision-making policies without the need to interact with the real environment.However, offline RL requires the dataset to be reward-annotated, which presents practical challenges when reward engineering is difficult or when obtaining reward annotations is labor-intensive.In this paper, we introduce Optimal Transport Relabeling (OTR), an imitation learning algorithm that can automatically relabel offline data of mixed and unknown quality with rewards from a few good demonstrations. OTR's key idea is to use optimal transport to compute an optimal alignment between an unlabeled trajectory in the dataset and an expert demonstration to obtain a similarity measure that can be interpreted as a reward, which can then be used by an offline RL algorithm to learn the policy. OTR is easy to implement and computationally efficient. On D4RL benchmarks, we demonstrate that OTR with a single demonstration can consistently match the performance of offline RL with ground-truth rewards.

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