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In-Person Poster presentation / poster accept

Variational Information Pursuit for Interpretable Predictions

Aditya Chattopadhyay · Kwan Ho Ryan Chan · Benjamin Haeffele · Donald Geman · Rene Vidal

MH1-2-3-4 #156

Keywords: [ explainable ai ] [ Interpretable ML ] [ Information Pursuit ] [ Social Aspects of Machine Learning ]


There is a growing interest in the machine learning community in developing predictive algorithms that are interpretable by design. To this end, recent work proposes to sequentially ask interpretable queries about data until a high confidence prediction can be made based on the answers obtained (the history). To promote short query-answer chains, a greedy procedure called Information Pursuit (IP) is used, which adaptively chooses queries in order of information gain. Generative models are employed to learn the distribution of query-answers and labels, which is in turn used to estimate the most informative query. However, learning and inference with a full generative model of the data is often intractable for complex tasks. In this work, we propose Variational Information Pursuit (V-IP), a variational characterization of IP which bypasses the need to learn generative models. V-IP is based on finding a query selection strategy and a classifier that minimize the expected cross-entropy between true and predicted labels. We prove that the IP strategy is the optimal solution to this problem. Therefore, instead of learning generative models, we can use our optimal strategy to directly pick the most informative query given any history. We then develop a practical algorithm by defining a finite-dimensional parameterization of our strategy and classifier using deep networks and train them end-to-end using our objective. Empirically, V-IP is 10-100x faster than IP on different Vision and NLP tasks with competitive performance. Moreover, V-IP finds much shorter query chains when compared to reinforcement learning which is typically used in sequential-decision-making problems. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of V-IP on challenging tasks like medical diagnosis where the performance is far superior to the generative modeling approach.

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