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Virtual presentation / poster accept

Asymptotic Instance-Optimal Algorithms for Interactive Decision Making

Kefan Dong · Tengyu Ma

Keywords: [ Reinforcement learning theory ] [ instance optimality ] [ Reinforcement Learning ]

Abstract: Past research on interactive decision making problems (bandits, reinforcement learning, etc.) mostly focuses on the minimax regret that measures the algorithm's performance on the hardest instance. However, an ideal algorithm should adapt to the complexity of a particular problem instance and incur smaller regrets on easy instances than worst-case instances. In this paper, we design the first asymptotic instance-optimal algorithm for general interactive decision making problems with finite number of decisions under mild conditions. On every instance $f$, our algorithm outperforms all consistent algorithms (those achieving non-trivial regrets on all instances), and has asymptotic regret $\mathcal{C}(f) \ln n$, where $\mathcal{C}(f)$ is an exact characterization of the complexity of $f$. The key step of the algorithm involves hypothesis testing with active data collection. It computes the most economical decisions with which the algorithm collects observations to test whether an estimated instance is indeed correct; thus, the complexity $\mathcal{C}(f)$ is the minimum cost to test the instance $f$ against other instances. Our results, instantiated on concrete problems, recover the classical gap-dependent bounds for multi-armed bandits and prior works on linear bandits, and improve upon the previous best instance-dependent upper bound for reinforcement learning.

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