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Keynote Talk
Workshop: Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning

Invited Speaker Paroma Varma - Snorkel: Programmatically Labeling Training Data

Paroma Varma


Bio: Paroma Varma is a co-founder of Snorkel AI, an AI start-up based on the influential Snorkel project. Snorkel AI provides a data-first platform for building, managing, and monitoring end-to-end AI applications. Paroma received her Ph.D. from Stanford University and she was supported by the Stanford Graduate Fellowship and the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Her research interests revolve around weak supervision, or using high-level knowledge in the form of noisy labeling sources to efficiently label massive datasets required to train machine learning models. In this context, she is also interested in using developer exhaust, byproducts of the data analytics pipeline, to simplify complex statistical and search-based problems.