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Effect of demographic makeup in covid vaccine administration

Vaidheeswaran Archana, Soham Chatterjee Gopal


The covid vaccine administration is one of the biggest globalisation efforts of this century. With less than 2% of the entire world population vaccinated, it is important now more than ever to understand the demographic makeup in covid vaccine administration. For instance, privatisation and a lack of standardisation in the manufacturing and distribution of covid vaccines has caused a pattern where richer countries have been able to put more resources into the procurement of vaccine doses for their citizens ( Recent data released by the CDC has also shown that vaccines are predominantly being administered in the white, non-hispanic population (

In this virtual hall, we would like to invite participants to put forth their findings as well as discuss how to gather and analyse data to understand the role that demographics is playing in this global vaccination drive. Finally, by analysing this data, we can predict how vulnerable communities are affected during pandemics. This can serve as important findings for public health organisations to deal with future pandemics.

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