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Been Kim
General Chair

Been Kim is a staff research scientist at Google Brain. Her research focuses on helping humans to communicate with complex machine learning models: not only by building tools (and tools to criticize them) but also studying their nature compared to humans. She gave a talk at the G20 meeting in Argentina in 2019. Her work TCAV received UNESCO Netexplo award, was featured at Google I/O 19'. Her work was in a chapter of Brian Christian's book on "The Alignment Problem". Been gave keynote at ECML 2020, tutorials on interpretability at ICML, University of Toronto, CVPR and at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. She was a co-workshop Chair ICLR 2019, and has been an (senior) area chair at NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, AISTATS and others. She is a steering committee member of FAccT conference and former executive board member and VP of Women in Machine Learning. She received her PhD. from MIT.

Yisong Yue
Senior Program Chair
Swarat Chaudhuri
Program Chairs
Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan
Program Chairs
Yizhou Sun
Program Chairs
Katerina Fragkiadaki
Program Chairs
Luis Oala
Workshop Chairs

Head of Machine Learning @ Dotphoton

Girmaw Abebe Tadesse
Workshop Chairs

Girmaw is a Principal Research Scientist and Manager at Microsoft AI for Good Research Lab which aims to develop AI solutions for critical problems across sectors including agriculture, healthcare, biodiversity, etc. Prior to that he was a Staff Research Scientist at IBM Research Africa working on detecting and characterizing systematic deviations in data and machine learning models. At IBM Research, Girmaw led multiple projects in trustworthy AI including evaluation of generative models, representation analysis in academic materials and data-driven insight extraction from public healthy surveys, with active collaborations with external institutions such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Stanford University, Oxford University and Harvard University. Previously, Girmaw also worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford, where he primarily developed deep learning techniques to assist diagnosis of multiple diseases, with collaborations with clinicians and hospitals in China and Vietnam. Girmaw completed his PhD at Queen Mary University of London, under the Erasmus Mundus Double Doctorate Program in Interactive and Cognitive Environments, with a focus on computer vision and machine learning algorithms for human activity recognition using wearable cameras. He has interned/worked in various research groups across Europe, including the UPC-BarcelonaTech (Spain), KU Leuven (Belgium), and INESC-ID (Portugal). Girmaw …

Mercy Asiedu
Workshop Chairs
Stephanie Muller
Workshop Chairs
Aisha Walcott
Workshop Chairs
Claire Vernade
Blog Track Chairs
Fabian Pedregosa
Blog Track Chairs
Leo Schwinn
Blog Track Chairs
David Dobre
Blog Track Chairs
Gauthier Gidel
Blog Track Chairs

I am a Ph.D student supervised by Simon Lacoste-Julien, I graduated from ENS Ulm and Université Paris-Saclay. I was a visiting PhD student at Sierra. I also worked for 6 months as a freelance Data Scientist for Monsieur Drive (Acquired by Criteo) and I recently co-founded a startup called Krypto. I'm currently pursuing my PhD at Mila. My work focuses on optimization applied to machine learning. More details can be found in my resume.

My research is to develop new optimization algorithms and understand the role of optimization in the learning procedure, in short, learn faster and better. I identify to the field of machine learning (NIPS, ICML, AISTATS and ICLR) and optimization (SIAM OP)

Charlie Gauthier
Blog Track Chairs
Erin Grant
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Chairs
Rosanne Liu
Diversity Equity & Inclusion Chairs
Surbhi Goel
Office Hour Chairs
Ellen Vitercik
Office Hour Chairs
Krystal Maughan
Tiny Papers Chairs

Current PhD student at the University of Vermont

Tom Burns
Tiny Papers Chairs
Zhenyu (Sherry) Xue
Workflow Chair
Carlo D'Eramo
Social Chairs