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Un-Mixing Test-Time Normalization Statistics: Combatting Label Temporal Correlation

Devavrat Tomar · Guillaume Vray · Jean-Philippe Thiran · Behzad Bozorgtabar

Halle B

Abstract: In an era where test-time adaptation methods increasingly rely on the nuanced manipulation of batch normalization (BN) parameters, one critical assumption often goes overlooked: that of independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) test batches with respect to unknown labels. This assumption culminates in biased estimates of BN statistics and jeopardizes system stability under non-i.i.d. conditions. This paper pioneers a departure from the i.i.d. paradigm by introducing a groundbreaking strategy termed `$\textbf{Un-Mix}$ing $\textbf{T}$est-Time $\textbf{N}$ormalization $\textbf{S}$tatistics' (UnMix-TNS). UnMix-TNS re-calibrates the instance-wise statistics used to normalize each instance in a batch by $\textit{mixing}$ it with multiple $\textit{unmixed}$ statistics components, thus inherently simulating the i.i.d. environment. The key lies in our innovative online $\textit{unmixing}$ procedure, which persistently refines these statistics components by drawing upon the closest instances from an incoming test batch. Remarkably generic in its design, UnMix-TNS seamlessly integrates with an array of state-of-the-art test-time adaptation methods and pre-trained architectures equipped with BN layers. Empirical evaluations corroborate the robustness of UnMix-TNS under varied scenarios—ranging from single to continual and mixed domain shifts. UnMix-TNS stands out when handling test data streams with temporal correlation, including those with corrupted real-world non-i.i.d. streams, sustaining its efficacy even with minimal batch sizes and individual samples. Our results set a new standard for test-time adaptation, demonstrating significant improvements in both stability and performance across multiple benchmarks. Our code will be released upon acceptance.

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