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AutomaTikZ: Text-Guided Synthesis of Scientific Vector Graphics with TikZ

Jonas Belouadi · Anne Lauscher · Steffen Eger

Halle B


Generating bitmap graphics from text has gained considerable attention, yet for scientific figures, vector graphics are often preferred. Given that vector graphics are typically encoded using low-level graphics primitives, generating them directly is difficult. To address this, we propose the use of TikZ, a well-known abstract graphics language that can be compiled to vector graphics, as an intermediate representation of scientific figures. TikZ offers human-oriented, high-level commands, thereby facilitating conditional language modeling with any large language model. To this end, we introduce DaTikZ the first large-scale TikZ dataset, consisting of 120k TikZ drawings aligned with captions. We fine-tune LLaMA on DaTikZ, as well as our new model CLiMA, which augments LLaMA with multimodal CLIP embeddings. In both human and automatic evaluation, CLiMA and LLaMA outperform commercial GPT-4 and Claude 2 in terms of similarity to human-created figures, with CLiMA additionally improving text-image alignment. Our detailed analysis shows that all models generalize well and are not susceptible to memorization. GPT-4 and Claude 2, however, tend to generate more simplistic figures compared to both humans and our models. We make our framework, AutomaTikZ, along with model weights and datasets, publicly available.

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