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Evaluating Large Language Models at Evaluating Instruction Following

Zhiyuan Zeng · Jiatong Yu · Tianyu Gao · Yu Meng · Tanya Goyal · Danqi Chen

Halle B


As research in large language models (LLMs) continues to accelerate, LLM-based evaluation has emerged as a scalable and cost-effective alternative to human evaluations for comparing the ever-increasing list of models. This paper investigates the efficacy of these “LLM evaluators”, particularly in using them to assess instruction following, a metric that gauges how closely generated text adheres to theinstructions. We introduce a challenging meta-evaluation benchmark, LLMBAR, designed to test the ability of an LLM evaluator to discern instruction-following outputs. The authors curated 419 pairs of outputs, one adhering to instructions while the other diverging, yet may possess deceptive qualities that could mislead an LLM evaluator. Contrary to existing meta-evaluation, we discover that different evaluators (i.e., combinations of LLMs and prompts) exhibit distinct performance on LLMBAR and even the highest-scoring LLM evaluators have substantial room for improvement. We also present a novel suite of prompting strategies that further close the gap between LLM and human evaluators. With LLMBAR, we hope to offer more insight into the behavior of LLM evaluators and foster research in developing better instruction-following models.

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