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Learning Grounded Action Abstractions from Language

Lio Wong · Jiayuan Mao · Pratyusha Sharma · Zachary Siegel · Jiahai Feng · Noa Korneev · Joshua B Tenenbaum · Jacob Andreas

Halle B


Long-horizon planning is dauntingly hard -- it requires modeling relevant aspects of the environment and searching over large, complex action spaces. \textit{Hierarchical planning} approaches make complex problems more tractable using temporal \textit{action abstractions}, decomposing hard tasks into smaller abstract subproblems that can be solved modularly. However, actually learning useful action abstractions has long posed significant challenges without human expert knowledge. Here, we introduce a system that leverages background information in language to learn a \textit{library of symbolic action abstractions and accompanying low-level policies} that can be composed to solve increasingly complex tasks. Our approach queries large language models (LLMs) as a prior for proposing useful symbolic action definitions, but integrates these proposals into a formal hierarchical planning system to ground and verify proposed actions. On two language-guided interactive planning domains (\textit{Mini Minecraft} and the \textit{ALFRED Household Tasks} benchmark), our approach far outperforms other baseline approaches that use LLMs in planning, enabling far more accurate planning and enable better generalization to more complex tasks.

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