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Image Clustering via the Principle of Rate Reduction in the Age of Pretrained Models

Tianzhe Chu · Shengbang Tong · Tianjiao Ding · Xili Dai · Benjamin Haeffele · Rene Vidal · Yi Ma

Halle B


The advent of large pre-trained models has brought about a paradigm shift in both visual representation learning and natural language processing. However, clustering unlabeled images, as a fundamental and classic machine learning problem, still lacks an effective solution, particularly for large-scale datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel image clustering pipeline that leverages the powerful feature representation of large pre-trained models such as CLIP and cluster images effectively and efficiently at scale. We first developed a novel algorithm to estimate the number of clusters in a given dataset. We then show that the pre-trained features are significantly more structured by further optimizing the rate reduction objective. The resulting features may significantly improve the clustering accuracy, e.g., from 57\% to 66\% on ImageNet-1k. Furthermore, by leveraging CLIP's multimodality bridge between image and text, we develop a simple yet effective self-labeling algorithm that produces meaningful text labels for the clusters. Through extensive experiments, we show that our pipeline works well on standard datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet-1k. It also extends to datasets without predefined labels, such as LAION-Aesthetics and WikiArts.

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