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Spotlight Poster

Prototypical Information Bottlenecking and Disentangling for Multimodal Cancer Survival Prediction

Yilan Zhang · Yingxue XU · Jianqi Chen · Fengying Xie · Hao CHEN

Halle B


Multimodal learning significantly benefits cancer survival prediction, especially the integration of pathological images and genomic data. Despite advantages of multimodal learning for cancer survival prediction, massive redundancy in multimodal data prevents it from extracting discriminative and compact information: (1) An extensive amount of intra-modal task-unrelated information blurs discriminability, especially for gigapixel whole slide images (WSIs) with many patches in pathology and thousands of pathways in genomic data, leading to an "intra-modal redundancy" issue. (2) Duplicated information among modalities dominates the representation of multimodal data, which makes modality-specific information prone to being ignored, resulting in an "inter-modal redundancy" issue. To address these, we propose a new framework, Prototypical Information Bottlenecking and Disentangling (PIBD), consisting of Prototypical Information Bottleneck (PIB) module for intra-modal redundancy and Prototypical Information Disentanglement (PID) module for inter-modal redundancy. Specifically, a variant of information bottleneck, PIB, is proposed to model prototypes approximating a bunch of instances for different risk levels, which can be used for selection of discriminative instances within modality. PID module decouples entangled multimodal data into compact distinct components: modality-common and modality-specific knowledge, under the guidance of the joint prototypical distribution. Extensive experiments on five cancer benchmark datasets demonstrated our superiority over other methods. The code is released.

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