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Class Probability Matching with Calibrated Networks for Label Shift Adaption

Hongwei Wen · Annika Betken · Hanyuan Hang

Halle B


We consider the domain adaptation problem in the context of label shift, where the label distributions between source and target domain differ, but the conditional distributions of features given the label are the same. To solve the label shift adaption problem, we develop a novel matching framework named \textit{class probability matching} (\textit{CPM}). It is inspired by a new understanding of the source domain's class probability, as well as a specific relationship between class probability ratios and feature probability ratios between the source and target domains. CPM is able to maintain the same theoretical guarantee with the existing feature probability matching framework, while significantly improving the computational efficiency due to directly matching the probabilities of the label variable. Within the CPM framework, we propose an algorithm named \textit{class probability matching with calibrated networks} (\textit{CPMCN}) for target domain classification. From the theoretical perspective, we establish the generalization bound of the CPMCN method in order to explain the benefits of introducing calibrated networks. From the experimental perspective, real data comparisons show that CPMCN outperforms existing matching-based and EM-based algorithms.

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