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Improved Efficiency Based on Learned Saccade and Continuous Scene Reconstruction From Foveated Visual Sampling

Jiayang Liu · Yiming Bu · Daniel Tso · Qinru Qiu

Halle B


High accuracy, low latency and high energy efficiency represent a set of contradictory goals when searching for system solutions for image classification and detection. While high-quality images naturally result in more precise detection and classification, they also result in a heavier computational workload for imaging and processing, reduce camera refresh rates, and increase the volume of data communication between the camera and processor. Taking inspiration from the foveal-peripheral sampling mechanism, saccade mechanism observed in the human visual system and the filling-in phenomena of brain, we have developed an active scene reconstruction architecture based on multiple foveal views. This model stitches together information from foveal and peripheral vision, which are sampled from multiple glances. Assisted by a reinforcement learning-based saccade mechanism, our model reduces the required input pixels by over 90\% per frame while maintaining the same level of performance in image recognition as with the original images. We evaluated the effectiveness of our model using the GTSRB dataset and the ImageNet dataset. Using an equal number of input pixels, our study demonstrates a 5\% higher image recognition accuracy compared to state-of-the-art foveal-peripheral vision systems. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our foveal sampling/saccadic scene reconstruction model exhibits significantly lower complexity and higher data efficiency during the training phase compared to existing approaches.

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