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VertiBench: Advancing Feature Distribution Diversity in Vertical Federated Learning Benchmarks

Zhaomin Wu · Junyi Hou · Bingsheng He

Halle B


Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) is a crucial paradigm for training machine learning models on feature-partitioned, distributed data. However, due to privacy restrictions, few public real-world VFL datasets exist for algorithm evaluation, and these represent a limited array of feature distributions. Existing benchmarks often resort to synthetic datasets, derived from arbitrary feature splits from a global set, which only capture a subset of feature distributions, leading to inadequate algorithm performance assessment. This paper addresses these shortcomings by introducing two key factors affecting VFL performance - feature importance and feature correlation - and proposing associated evaluation metrics and dataset splitting methods. Our comprehensive evaluation of cutting-edge VFL algorithms provides valuable insights for future research in the field.

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