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Modulated Phase Diffusor: Content-Oriented Feature Synthesis for Detecting Unknown Objects

Aming Wu · Cheng Deng

Halle B


To promote the safe deployment of object detectors, a task of unsupervised out-of-distribution object detection (OOD-OD) is recently proposed, aiming to detect unknown objects during training without reliance on any auxiliary OOD data. To alleviate the impact of lacking OOD data, for this task, one feasible solution is to exploit the known in-distribution (ID) data to synthesize proper OOD information for supervision, which strengthens detectors' discrimination. From the frequency perspective, since the phase generally reflects the content of the input, in this paper, we explore leveraging the phase of ID features to generate expected OOD features involving different content. And a method of Modulated Phase Diffusion (MPD) is proposed, containing a shared forward and two different reverse processes. Specifically, after calculating the phase of the extracted features, to prevent the rapid loss of content in the phase, the forward process gradually performs Gaussian Average on the phase instead of adding noise. The averaged phase and original amplitude are combined to obtain the features taken as the input of the reverse process. Next, one OOD branch is defined to synthesize virtual OOD features by continually enlarging the content discrepancy between the OOD features and original ones. Meanwhile, another modulated branch is designed to generate augmented features owning a similar phase as the original features by scaling and shifting the OOD branch. Both original and augmented features are used for training, enhancing the discrimination. Experimental results on OOD-OD, incremental object detection, and open-set object detection demonstrate the superiorities of our method. The source code will be released at

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