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Improved Analysis of Sparse Linear Regression in Local Differential Privacy Model

Liyang Zhu · Meng Ding · Vaneet Aggarwal · Jinhui Xu · Di Wang

Halle B

Abstract: In this paper, we revisit the problem of sparse linear regression in the local differential privacy (LDP) model. Existing research in the non-interactive and sequentially local models has focused on obtaining the lower bounds for the case where the underlying parameter is $1$-sparse, and extending such bounds to the more general $k$-sparse case has proven to be challenging. Moreover, it is unclear whether efficient non-interactive LDP (NLDP) algorithms exist. To address these issues, we first consider the problem in the $\epsilon$ non-interactive LDP model and provide a lower bound of $\Omega(\frac{\sqrt{dk\log d}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon})$ on the $\ell_2$-norm estimation error for sub-Gaussian data, where $n$ is the sample size and $d$ is the dimension of the space. We propose an innovative NLDP algorithm, the very first of its kind for the problem. As a remarkable outcome, this algorithm also yields a novel and highly efficient estimator as a valuable by-product. Our algorithm achieves an upper bound of $\tilde{O}({\frac{d\sqrt{k}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon}})$ for the estimation error when the data is sub-Gaussian, which can be further improved by a factor of $O(\sqrt{d})$ if the server has additional public but unlabeled data. For the sequentially interactive LDP model, we show a similar lower bound of $\Omega({\frac{\sqrt{dk}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon}})$. As for the upper bound, we rectify a previous method and show that it is possible to achieve a bound of $\tilde{O}(\frac{k\sqrt{d}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon})$. Our findings reveal fundamental differences between the non-private case, central DP model, and local DP model in the sparse linear regression problem.

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