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Waxing-and-Waning: a Generic Similarity-based Framework for Efficient Self-Supervised Learning

Sheng Li · Chao Wu · Ao Li · Yanzhi Wang · Xulong Tang · Geng Yuan

Halle B


Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), essential for diverse applications such as visual recognition and eldercare, often require a large amount of labeled data for training, making widespread deployment of DNNs a challenging task. Self-supervised learning (SSL) emerges as a promising approach, which leverages inherent patterns within data through diverse augmentations to train models without explicit labels. However, while SSL has shown notable advancements in accuracy, its high computation costs remain a daunting impediment, particularly for resource-constrained platforms. To address this problem, we introduce SimWnW, a similarity-based efficient self-supervised learning framework. By strategically removing less important regions in augmented images and feature maps, SimWnW not only reduces computation costs but also eliminates irrelevant features that might slow down the learning process, thereby accelerating model convergence. The experimental results show that SimWnW effectively reduces the amount of computation costs in self-supervised model training without compromising accuracy. Specifically, SimWnW yields up to 54\% and 51\% computation savings in training from scratch and transfer learning tasks, respectively.

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