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R-EDL: Relaxing Nonessential Settings of Evidential Deep Learning

Mengyuan Chen · Junyu Gao · Changsheng Xu

Halle B


A newly-arising uncertainty estimation method named Evidential Deep Learning (EDL), which can obtain reliable predictive uncertainty in a single forward pass, has garnered increasing interest. Guided by the subjective logic theory, EDL obtains Dirichlet concentration parameters from deep neural networks, thus constructing a Dirichlet probability density function (PDF) to model the distribution of class probabilities. Despite its great success, we argue that EDL keeps nonessential settings in both stages of model construction and optimization.In this work, our analysis indicates that (1) in the construction of the Dirichlet PDF, a commonly ignored parameter termed prior weight governs the balance between leveraging the proportion of evidence and its magnitude in deriving predictive scores, and (2) in model optimization, a variance-minimized regularization term adopted by traditional EDL encourages the Dirichlet PDF to approach a Dirac delta function, potentially exacerbating overconfidence. Therefore, we propose the R-EDL (Relaxed-EDL) method by relaxing these nonessential settings. Specifically, R-EDL treats the prior weight as an adjustable hyper-parameter instead of a fixed scalar, and directly optimizes the expectation of the Dirichlet PDF provided to deprecate the variance-minimized regularization term. Extensive experiments and SOTA performances demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Source codes are provided in Appendix E.

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