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ACRF: Compressing Explicit Neural Radiance Fields via Attribute Compression

Guangchi Fang · Qingyong Hu · Longguang Wang · Yulan Guo

Halle B


In this work, we study the problem of explicit NeRF compression. Through analyzing recent explicit NeRF models, we reformulate the task of explicit NeRF compression as 3D data compression. We further introduce our NeRF compression framework, Attributed Compression of Radiance Field (ACRF), which focuses on the compression of the explicit neural 3D representation. The neural 3D structure is pruned and converted to points with features, which are further encoded using importance-guided feature encoding. Furthermore, we employ an importance-prioritized entropy model to estimate the probability distribution of transform coefficients, which are then entropy coded with an arithmetic coder using the predicted distribution. Within this framework, we present two models, ACRF and ACRF-F, to strike a balance between compression performance and encoding time budget. Our experiments, which include both synthetic and real-world datasets such as Synthetic-NeRF and Tanks&Temples, demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed algorithm.

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