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RTFS-Net: Recurrent time-frequency modelling for efficient audio-visual speech separation

Samuel Pegg · Kai Li · Xiaolin Hu

Halle B


Audio-visual speech separation methods aim to integrate different modalities to generate high-quality separated speech, thereby enhancing the performance of downstream tasks such as speech recognition. Most existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) models operate in the time domain. However, their overly simplistic approach to modeling acoustic features often necessitates larger and more computationally intensive models in order to achieve SOTA performance. In this paper, we present a novel time-frequency domain audio-visual speech separation method: Recurrent Time-Frequency Separation Network (RTFS-Net), which applies its algorithms on the complex time-frequency bins yielded by the Short-Time Fourier Transform. We model and capture the time and frequency dimensions of the audio independently using a multi-layered RNN along each dimension. Furthermore, we introduce a unique attention-based fusion technique for the efficient integration of audio and visual information, and a new mask separation approach that takes advantage of the intrinsic spectral nature of the acoustic features for a clearer separation. RTFS-Net outperforms the previous SOTA method using only 10% of the parameters and 18% of the MACs. This is the first time-frequency domain audio-visual speech separation method to outperform all contemporary time-domain counterparts.

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