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Learning Implicit Representation for Reconstructing Articulated Objects

Hao Zhang · Fang Li · Samyak Rawlekar · Narendra Ahuja

Halle B


3D Reconstruction of moving articulated objects without additional information about object structure is a challenging problem. Current methods overcome such challenges by employing category-specific skeletal models. Consequently, they do not generalize well to articulated objects in the wild. We treat an articulated object as an unknown, semi-rigid skeletal structure surrounded by nonrigid material (e.g., skin). Our method simultaneously estimates the visible (explicit) representation (3D shapes, colors, camera parameters) and the underlying (implicit) skeletal representation, from motion cues in the object video without 3D supervision. Our implicit representation consists of four parts. (1) skeleton, which specifies which semi-rigid parts are connected. (2) Semi-rigid Part Assignment, which associates each surface vertex with a semi-rigid part. (3) Rigidity Coefficients, specifying the articulation of the local surface. (4) Time-Varying Transformations, which specify the skeletal motion and surface deformation parameters. We introduce an algorithm that uses these constraints as regularization terms and iteratively estimates both implicit and explicit representations. Our method is category-agnostic, thus eliminating the need for category-specific skeletons, we show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art across standard video datasets.

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