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Optimal criterion for feature learning of two-layer linear neural network in high dimensional interpolation regime

Keita Suzuki · Taiji Suzuki

Halle B


Deep neural networks with feature learning have shown surprising generalization performance in high dimensional settings, but it has not been fully understood how and when they enjoy the benefit of feature learning. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the statistical properties of the benefits from feature learning in a two-layer linear neural network with multiple outputs in a high-dimensional setting. For that purpose, we propose a new criterion that allows feature learning of a two-layer linear neural network in a high-dimensional setting. Interestingly, we can show that models with smaller values of the criterion generalize even in situations where normal ridge regression fails to generalize. This is because the proposed criterion contains a proper regularization for the feature mapping and acts as an upper bound on the predictive risk. As an important characterization of the criterion, the two-layer linear neural network that minimizes this criterion can achieve the optimal Bayes risk that is determined by the distribution of the true signals across the multiple outputs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to specifically identify the conditions under which a model obtained by proper feature learning can outperform normal ridge regression in a high-dimensional multiple-output linear regression problem.

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