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Rethinking Label Poisoning for GNNs: Pitfalls and Attacks

Vijay Chandra Lingam · Mohammad Sadegh Akhondzadeh · Aleksandar Bojchevski

Halle B

Abstract: Node labels for graphs are usually generated using an automated process or crowd-sourced from human users. This opens up avenues for malicious users to compromise the training labels, making it unwise to blindly rely on them. While robustness against noisy labels is an active area of research, there are only a handful of papers in the literature that address this for graph-based data. Even more so, the effects of adversarial label perturbations is sparsely studied. More critically, we reveal that the entire literature on label poisoning for GNNs is plagued by serious evaluation pitfalls. Thus making it hard to conclude how robust GNNs are against label perturbations. After course correcting the state of label poisoning attacks with our faithful evaluation, we identify a discrepancy in attack efficiency of $\sim9\%$ on average. Additionally, we introduce two new simple yet effective attacks that are significantly stronger (up to $\sim8\%$) than the previous strongest attack. Our strongest proposed attack can be efficiently computed and is theoretically backed.

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