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Adversarial Imitation Learning via Boosting

Jonathan Chang · Dhruv Sreenivas · Yingbing Huang · Kianté Brantley · Wen Sun

Halle B


Adversarial imitation learning (AIL) has stood out as a dominant framework across various imitation learning (IL) applications, with Discriminator Actor Critic (DAC) demonstrating the effectiveness of off-policy learning algorithms in improving sample efficiency and scalability to higher-dimensional observations. Despite DAC’s empirical success, the original AIL objective is on-policy and DAC’s ad-hoc application of off-policy training does not guarantee successful imitation. Follow-up work such as ValueDICE tackles this issue by deriving a fully off-policy AIL objective. Instead in this work, we develop a novel and principled AIL algorithm via the framework of boosting. Like boosting, our new algorithm, AILBoost, maintains an ensemble of weighted weak learners (i.e., policies) and trains a discriminator that witnesses the maximum discrepancy between the distributions of the ensemble and the expert policy. We maintain a weighted replay buffer to represent the state-action distribution induced by the ensemble, allowing us to train discriminators using the entire data collected so far. Empirically, we evaluate our algorithm on both controller state-based and pixel-based environments from the DeepMind Control Suite. AILBoost outperforms DAC on both types of environments, demonstrating the benefit of properly weighting replay buffer data for off-policy training. On state-based environments, AILBoost outperforms ValueDICE and IQ-Learn, achieving state-of-the-art performance with as little as one expert trajectory.

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