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Wed 8 May 6:45 - 7:00 PDT

Topological data analysis on noisy quantum computers

Ismail Akhalwaya · Shashanka Ubaru · Kenneth Clarkson · Mark Squillante · Vishnu Jejjala · Yang-Hui He · Kugendran Naidoo · Vasileios Kalantzis · Lior Horesh

Topological data analysis (TDA) is a powerful technique for extracting complex and valuable shape-related summaries of high-dimensional data. However, the computational demands of classical algorithms for computing TDA are exorbitant, and quickly become impractical for high-order characteristics. Quantum computers offer the potential of achieving significant speedup for certain computational problems. Indeed, TDA has been purported to be one such problem, yet, quantum computing algorithms proposed for the problem, such as the original Quantum TDA (QTDA) formulation by Lloyd, Garnerone and Zanardi, require fault-tolerance qualifications that are currently unavailable. In this study, we present NISQ-TDA, a fully implemented end-to-end quantum machine learning algorithm needing only a short circuit-depth, that is applicable to high-dimensional classical data, and with provable asymptotic speedup for certain classes of problems. The algorithm neither suffers from the data-loading problem nor does it need to store the input data on the quantum computer explicitly. The algorithm was successfully executed on quantum computing devices, as well as on noisy quantum simulators, applied to small datasets. Preliminary empirical results suggest that the algorithm is robust to noise.

Wed 8 May 7:00 - 7:15 PDT

Flow Matching on General Geometries

Ricky T. Q. Chen · Yaron Lipman

We propose Riemannian Flow Matching (RFM), a simple yet powerful framework for training continuous normalizing flows on manifolds. Existing methods for generative modeling on manifolds either require expensive simulation, are inherently unable to scale to high dimensions, or use approximations for limiting quantities that result in biased training objectives. Riemannian Flow Matching bypasses these limitations and offers several advantages over previous approaches: it is simulation-free on simple geometries, does not require divergence computation, and computes its target vector field in closed-form. The key ingredient behind RFM is the construction of a relatively simple premetric for defining target vector fields, which encompasses the existing Euclidean case. To extend to general geometries, we rely on the use of spectral decompositions to efficiently compute premetrics on the fly. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on real-world non-Euclidean datasets, and we demonstrate tractable training on general geometries, including triangular meshes with highly non-trivial curvature and boundaries.

Wed 8 May 7:15 - 7:30 PDT

Graph Neural Networks for Learning Equivariant Representations of Neural Networks

Miltiadis (Miltos) Kofinas · Boris Knyazev · Yan Zhang · Yunlu Chen · Gertjan J Burghouts · Efstratios Gavves · Cees G Snoek · David Zhang

Neural networks that process the parameters of other neural networks find applications in domains as diverse as classifying implicit neural representations, generating neural network weights, and predicting generalization errors.However, existing approaches either overlook the inherent permutation symmetry in the neural network or rely on intricate weight-sharing patterns to achieve equivariance, while ignoring the impact of the network architecture itself.In this work, we propose to represent neural networks as computational graphs of parameters, which allows us to harness powerful graph neural networks and transformers that preserve permutation symmetry.Consequently, our approach enables a single model to encode neural computational graphs with diverse architectures.We showcase the effectiveness of our method on a wide range of tasks, including classification and editing of implicit neural representations, predicting generalization performance, and learning to optimize, while consistently outperforming state-of-the-art methods.