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Oral 5A

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Thu 9 May 1:00 - 1:15 PDT

Generalization in diffusion models arises from geometry-adaptive harmonic representation

Zahra Kadkhodaie · Florentin Guth · Eero Simoncelli · Stéphane Mallat

High-quality samples generated with score-based reverse diffusion algorithms provide evidence that deep neural networks (DNN) trained for denoising can learn high-dimensional densities, despite the curse of dimensionality. However, recent reports of memorization of the training set raise the question of whether these networks are learning the ``true'' density of the data. Here, we show that two denoising DNNs trained on non-overlapping subsets of a dataset learn nearly the same score function, and thus the same density, with a surprisingly small number of training images. This strong generalization demonstrates the existence of powerful inductive biases in the DNN architecture and/or training algorithm. We analyze these, demonstrating that the denoiser performs a shrinkage operation in a basis adapted to the underlying image. Examination of these bases reveals oscillating harmonic structures along contours and in homogeneous image regions. We show that trained denoisers are inductively biased towards these geometry-adaptive harmonic representations by demonstrating that they arise even when the network is trained on image classes such as low-dimensional manifolds for which the harmonic basis is suboptimal. Additionally, we show that the denoising performance of the networks is near-optimal when trained on regular image classes for which the optimal basis is known to be geometry-adaptive and harmonic.

Thu 9 May 1:15 - 1:30 PDT

Diffusion Model for Dense Matching

Jisu Nam · Gyuseong Lee · Seonwoo Kim · Inès Hyeonsu Kim · Hyoungwon Cho · Seyeon Kim · Seungryong Kim

The objective for establishing dense correspondence between paired images consists of two terms: a data term and a prior term. While conventional techniques focused on defining hand-designed prior terms, which are difficult to formulate, recent approaches have focused on learning the data term with deep neural networks without explicitly modeling the prior, assuming that the model itself has the capacity to learn an optimal prior from a large-scale dataset. The performance improvement was obvious, however, they often fail to address inherent ambiguities of matching, such as textureless regions, repetitive patterns, large displacements, or noises. To address this, we propose DiffMatch, a novel conditional diffusion-based framework designed to explicitly model both the data and prior terms for dense matching. This is accomplished by leveraging a conditional denoising diffusion model that explicitly takes matching cost and injects the prior within generative process. However, limited resolution of the diffusion model is a major hindrance. We address this with a cascaded pipeline, starting with a low-resolution model, followed by a super-resolution model that successively upsamples and incorporates finer details to the matching field. Our experimental results demonstrate significant performance improvements of our method over existing approaches, and the ablation studies validate our design choices along with the effectiveness of each component. The code and pretrained weights will be available.

Thu 9 May 1:30 - 1:45 PDT

Generative Modeling with Phase Stochastic Bridge

Tianrong Chen · Jiatao Gu · Laurent Dinh · Evangelos Theodorou · Joshua Susskind · Shuangfei Zhai

Diffusion models (DMs) represent state-of-the-art generative models for continuous inputs. DMs work by constructing a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) in the input space (ie, position space), and using a neural network to reverse it. In this work, we introduce a novel generative modeling framework grounded in \textbf{phase space dynamics}, where a phase space is defined as {an augmented space encompassing both position and velocity.} Leveraging insights from Stochastic Optimal Control, we construct a path measure in the phase space that enables efficient sampling. {In contrast to DMs, our framework demonstrates the capability to generate realistic data points at an early stage of dynamics propagation.} This early prediction sets the stage for efficient data generation by leveraging additional velocity information along the trajectory. On standard image generation benchmarks, our model yields favorable performance over baselines in the regime of small Number of Function Evaluations (NFEs). Furthermore, our approach rivals the performance of diffusion models equipped with efficient sampling techniques, underscoring its potential as a new tool generative modeling.